Surprising Early Dementia Signs People with Aging Parents Should Know

As people grow older the possibilities of declining health and getting plenty of different diseases also increase. Alzheimer’s is one example of this, which is a severe form of dementia. The person who has it experience confusion, memory loss, and a decline in cognitive abilities.

Most people think that Alzheimer’s only occurs when you’re already old, but in reality, it affects those who haven’t reached the old age yet. Such occurrence may not be common but over 5 million Americans with Alzheimer’s had an early start of dementia.

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Aside from the mentioned signs, there are other surprising indications that should be known by everyone. Read on to find out about them.

Feelings of Depression

It’s common for patients to feel sad and discouraged because of their condition. They start to become more dependent on others, less sure of themselves, and more confused. As a result, their self-esteem or self-worth are affected which results in showing symptoms of depression.

Having Anxiety All The Time

This happens when patients become more aware of what’s happening and the difficulties that they experience, which make them feel more anxious. What’s worse is that anxiety can turn into anxiety about more than their disease.

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Concentrating Becomes Harder

Those who suffer from an early start of dementia will have difficulties concentrating on anything, unlike before the onset. Even in doing enjoyable things, they’ll find it hard to focus. So if you notice this on anyone, warn them about the possibility and to get professional help at once.


It simply means having difficulty finding the correct or proper word for something. Those who’ve had an early start of dementia will experience this. If you usually forget the word for something, there’s no need to panic unless it never actually comes back to you and occurs frequently.

Additional signs are using long phrases in explaining things and don’t really make sense, or using plenty of vague words such as thing or it.

Hate for Change

People who suffer from dementia have problems accepting change. They’re already scared and anxious about their condition so they crave comfort. They prefer their routine instead of trying something new as that makes them feel more comfortable.

Becoming Suspicious of Others

Since patients are already confused about most things and they’re finding it difficult to grasp a situation, they feel suspicious of other people. Another contributing factor for it is that they don’t really remember much about the person or the situation they’re in.

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