Reducing the world’s leading cause of death with remote heart health assessments

What is a heart disease? 

Heart disease refers to a range of disorders that affect the structure and function of the heart and have several underlying causes.

The 4 most common types of heart diseases are: 

  • Coronary artery and vascular disease 
  • Heart rhythm disorders (arrhythmias
  • Structural heart disease
  • Heart failure
  1. Coronary artery disease is caused by constricted or blocked coronary arteries, while the vascular disease refers to issues with various blood channels that limit blood flow and impair heart function.
  2. Heart rhythm disorders, often known as arrhythmias, are conditions in which the heart beats irregularly. The heart rate can be faster, slowlier than normal either the heart beats in disorganized fashion.
  3. A structural heart disease is an abnormality in the structure of the heart, which may affect the heart’s valves, walls, muscles, or blood arteries that are located close to the heart.
  4. Heart failure is a hazardous condition that develops, for example, when the heart is damaged or weakened by a heart attack or persistent high blood pressure.


What are the common causes of heart disease? 

Heart disease may be caused by medical disorders, behavioral risk factors, and uncontrollable dangers. 

Under medical disorders, you can find conditions like blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol level and sleep apnea. The behavioral risks are linked with the patient lifestyle. Bad habits like unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, excessive drinking, smoking, drug consumption and even stress can lead to a heart disease. Among the uncontrollable dangers, we can see the family and medical history, aging, ethnicity, sex and personal circumstances that may increase the risk of developing a heart disease. 


How can you reduce the risk of heart disease? 

The use of new technologies like remote patient monitoring and artificial intelligence can significantly benefit cardiovascular patients to take better control of their health and lower your chance of getting more heart issues. Here are some solutions you might consider.