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How AI and Automation Are Supporting Clinicians Right Now

Image Credit: Canva  In recent years, the healthcare industry has witnessed a significant transformation with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies. These advancements have revolutionized the way clinicians operate, allowing them to deliver enhanced patient care, streamline workflows, and make more informed decisions. As the world faces ongoing challenges...

FHIR Implementation Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Image Credit: Canva Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) has emerged as a transformative standard for data exchange in the healthcare industry. While its potential for improving interoperability is widely recognized, there are challenges associated with its implementation. In this blog post, we will explore some common FHIR implementation challenges and discuss strategies to overcome ...

Improving Patient Safety: Strategies for Preventing Medical Errors

Image Credit: Canva Patient safety is a crucial aspect of healthcare delivery, as errors in medical practice can have severe consequences for patients. Medical errors not only impact patient well-being but also lead to increased healthcare costs and decreased trust in the healthcare system. However, by implementing effective strategies and fostering a culture of safety, […]...

Navigating the Salt Shakedown: Sodium and Hypertension

Image Creditor: Canva  Salt, a common ingredient found in almost every kitchen, has been a staple of our diets for centuries. However, the excessive consumption of sodium, the primary component of salt, has become a cause for concern, especially when it comes to hypertension. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, affects millions of people worldwide and […]...

The Special Diabetes Program for Indians: How Digital Tools Can Help

Image Credit: Canva Managing diabetes among Native American populations is a critical concern due to the disproportionately high prevalence rates compared to other ethnic groups. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that Native Americans have a significantly higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than the general U.S. population. The Special Diabetes […]... : AI Scribe Tool Reduces Burnout and Expands Patient Capacity

Image Credit: Canva In the ever-evolving healthcare landscape, technology has become indispensable for healthcare professionals like us. That’s why we at Sensights have developed an innovative AI-powered scribe tool, that is revolutionizing the way medicine is practiced. Our improved AI scribe tool not only helps alleviate physician burnout but also enhances our capacity to [&...

Expanding Care Access: Telemedicine Solutions in Rural Areas

Image Credit: Canva  Access to quality healthcare is essential for everyone, regardless of their geographical location. However, in rural areas, limited healthcare facilities and a shortage of healthcare professionals have long posed significant challenges. Fortunately, with the advancement of telemedicine, a solution has emerged to bridge the gap and bring much-needed care to remote and [&hellip...