Prevent Alzheimer’s Dementia Wandering (14 Tips for Caregivers)

Wandering presents many risks for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. In fact, over 50 percent of people with Alzheimer’s will wander at some point. This potentially dangerous action is the cause of caregiver stress. However, caregivers can take action and be proactive when it comes to wandering.

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14 Tips to Prevent Wandering

How can caregivers prevent wandering? Where do they start? The following X tips for wandering prevention can help. Let’s dive right in!

  1. Utilize technology by having your loved one wear a GPS watch that allows caregivers to track and locate when wandering happens.
  2. Ensure your loved one with Alzheimer’s has their identification with them.
  3. Let the community know (neighbors, police, fire, etc.) that your loved one is living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia and that they may be prone to wandering.
  4. Label clothing with ID number, name, phone number, and address.
  5. Have a piece of worn clothing ready to assist tracking dogs in finding your loved one during a wandering event.
  6. Have video and photographs ready if your loved one becomes lost.
  7. Lock doors in the home and have several locks to make wandering more difficult.
  8. Make door covers that turn, but do not turn the doorknob.
  9. Label doors with red alert “Do Not Enter” signs that may trigger a loved one to stop before trying to leave the home.
  10. Use an alarm system and set it when in the home, alerting you when a loved one opens the door without entering the code.
  11. Lock all windows, gates, etc. around the home and property of the home.
  12. Keep clothing and items often taken outside the home by a loved one out of sight and hard to find.
  13. Always be in contact with loved ones prone to wandering. They should never be unattended.
  14. Know their previous routines before they began showing progression in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Be a Proactive Caregiver

The following are just a few key prevention methods for loved ones who may be prone to wandering, or who are beginning to show signs of future wandering. Being a proactive caregiver will keep your loved one safe, as well as reduce caregiver stress and potential burnout.

GPS Watch for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s and Dementia

How do you prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia wandering events? Share your favorite tips with us. You can also get an affordable wandering solution via LocateMotion Caregiver Watch today. We are helping families Stay Together. Simply click the box below to order your GPS watch.

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